Monday, October 6, 2008

Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

Yes, the American people have learned from experience that it's not the content of your resume but the quality of your character that will make you a good president.

This page uses a modified script from, a site with free scripts, examples, tutorials and web developer resources. Script Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Astonish Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ninja Pirate said...

"we really need a personality cult more than we need policy. "

So, do you want a personality cult or a vice personality cult?

Unknown said...

Moose Roadster Palin!

Gotta love it!

Jenny C said...

Krinkle Bearcat Palin.

Seriously Sara, that looks like a school photo.

Miss Melissa said...

Sack Panther Palin FTW! :)

Blog Deleted said...

I'm a dirty, mean girl and I'd be named Torpedo Vindicator Palin. Vote Obama Biden '08!!

Unknown said...

I would be "Bullet Bodycheck Palin" LOL

I like it

kaari said...

Hello from Chalk Revelations Palin!

Kyle P Wagner said...

With me she's the proud mother of Scat Dubya Palin

Harry Eagar said...

Hmmm, David Harrington would have been Dust Chinstrap Palin and should thanks his stars he isn't.

Thanks, David

Unknown said...

My name would have been Geese Whalebone Palin

fjb said...

Quarter Granite Palin here, proud mother of Bullpen Cola.

Kim(Kimmie to a select few) said...

Hmmm...Vise Peeper Palin!
Interesting...I might have a possible career in poltics, looks like I'll fit right in!

g-shot said...

Chevy General Palin
pretty daft , aye ?

Kirby S. said...

I'm Icepick Motor Palin!

(which is extra funny because I'm the type of girl who wears makeup to play tennis while wearing a coordinating hair-ribbon...BUT NO, I'm not a Republican)

Nikki said...

Wood Corps Palin.

Must be some uber-secret military branch....

Cold War Kid said...

Log Justice Palin - future President!

AZshutterbug said...

Sack Panther, a name to live up to!

Pat Kofahl

baldcoco said...

'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'

Wrangler Tractor Palin

PS: The Food and Drug Administration, reiterates the health benefits and the safety of canned fish.

Matthew said...

Bamboo Bugleboy Palin, reporting for duy! Damn, you know I'll be signing up for service in the Imperium's 1000-year war!

El Borracho said...

"Axe Diesel Palin" - either another rock star from a now defunct hair metal band, or a biker. Either way, it has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

Hehe ^^

I'm Churn Scorpion Palin. Hmmm... In facts Scorpion isn't so bad...

Pretty :)

CaliWildflowers said...

As Slap Pear Palin, I'd be the one who drops out of Sunday school to be a stripper and star in kinky porn flicks. Won't that make Mom proud.

Kathryn H said...

Puck Mule Palin....My mommy always called me a little pucker!

Carol said...

Creation Schwarzkopf Palin here to let you know that, if Palin were really truly my mother, god help me...and i don't believe in god....

Anonymous said...

You are all a bunch of liberal ranters. Obama is nothing but a personality cult. All you want to do is take her down since you hate a good woman having the chance to win.

I think its funny that Moms with one kids are the ones freaking out about her being overworked but the moms with 3+ are like go get em'. And I also think its funny they make up sarah palin scandal. and theres also of resources for those that want to look up sarah palin dirt how pathetic are you that you try to take down a good woman!

MrRezister said...

Pretty hilarious, thanks for sharing. I ended up with
"Knife Pile Palin"
That's a good one, much better than the lame-o "Stephen" my dad stuck me with!

shawnsjourney said...

EE Haw! I'm Bush Gator Palin! And to think, I'm sittin' here in nothing but my whitey tidies and gator boots with a gun at my side. You never know when dem commies are going to crash thru your door. Who would've thunk it?

shawnsjourney said...

You have to have dat gun handy at all times. 'Specially if you can see Russia from your house.

Brent said...

Howdy, pardner!
My name is Mustache Warthog Palin.

The Limerick Savant said...

Hell, I must already be her bastard child!

Limerick Savant

bd said...

I'm Stinger Assassin Palin, and I approve of this message.

Unknown said...

My name is Khaki Salmon Palin. I feel so bland.

sasha said...

i would like to give a shot out to my boy-friend Plop Hero Palin, best friend Fork Decoy Palin,and roommates Rock Crane and Drill Swollen Palin.

Sincerely, Ladel Torque

Unknown said...

Rope Hoover Palin

~ Sharen said...

A lot of us who are pro-Obama are nevertheless tired of the anti-Palin emails flying around the Net. While we may agree with the emails' content - and LOL at a lot of it - relentless reading about HER feels as if we're getting nothing accomplished. So, in addition to making financial contributions to the Obama/Biden campain, when an email hit my desk today asking for a contribution to Planned Parenthood "in Sarah Palin's name," I suddenly felt there was something I could productively DO to express my contempt for the Repug's underqualified,even scary, VEEP pick.
I went to the PLANNED PARENTHOOD donation web site
and made a contribution to Planned Parenthood "in Sarah Palin's name." You will see the "in honor of" button on the donation site. This enables PP to sent a RECOGNITION THANK YOU CARD to candidate Palin c/o McCain for President, 1235 S. Clark Street 1st Floor, Arlington , VA 22202.
Hahahaha... made me feel wildly, empoweringly good!
Try it you'll like it.
- Whidbey Island, WA

Damon said...

This is almost as entertaining as Sarah Palin and her view of Russia from Alaska.

Ripper Shook Palin

PJW said...

My friends... I have you all beat. Too bad I'm a Democrat.

Yours in Democracy,

McCain Fortress Palin

Abigail said...

Ladel Torque Palin - LOVE it.

Abigail said...

Ladel Torque Palin - LOVE it.

Ms. Starry said...

Rifle Panzer Palin - sorry losers, Mommy loves ME best!

'Scuse me, I gots to go get drunk, shoot something, and maybe get pregnant. Yeee hah!

Jen said...

I'm Stick Freedom Palin and I kinda like it. My next dog gets this name.

Unknown said...

Barrel McRaven! How did mom come up with that one? Oh, I bet she was speaking in tongues when it came to her!!

FunkyMunky said...

Goalie Sanka Palin.

Ha, great! Sounds like a Brazilian soccer player to me, most likely a forward. Ha.

Thermal said...

Scene: Sarah and one of her sons driving along a serene Alaskan road. An autumn day with multi-colored leaves caught ablaze in the air by the early morning sun.

SP: Beautiful day, A? Yep.
Son: *sigh*
SP: Don't worry, we'll see one.
Son: (Sound of disgust)
SP: THERE! A cow and her baby right in the middle of the road ahead! AHAAA!

Sarah punches the gas of the H3 and slams into the pair of animals, letting out a blood curdling war cry. Air bags, long since deployed and never replaced, are no comfort as Sarah's forehead is split open on the steering wheel. Blood streaming down across her left eye and over nose and mouth, Sarah jumps down from the vehicle. In a flash, she has a hand to the neck of the baby. The son, jumps feebly down from his side of the half crumpled SUV.

SP: This ones still alive! Get the 9mm! What are you DOING?? Are you puking? You little Pussy! I named you after this animal and that car that takes you all over creation, Praise Jesus! Now the least you can do is enjoy these little bonding trips I put together! What? Where are you going young man?

Son: (Running, puking, and crying)

SP: Moose Roadster Palin!! You get back here this INSTANT!!

The animals were finally shoved off the road with the help of the front fender and 8 cylinders, Moose was back in the Hummer, and a pursed lipped Sarah Palin drove them back to their humble home in fuming silence.


Hey, thanks for the inspiration. I could write stories like these all day. :)

andy d said...

Apparently "Mom" was trying to warn the world when she named me. We're all going down, but we should do so with grace and a neutral color palette.

Taupe Armageddon Palin

Anonymous said...

Grill Igloo Palin at your service :)

Grace said...

I would be Meat Notgay Palin

Unknown said...

I'm Mullet Troll Palin!

Anonymous said...

I'm the "other" special child...Chalk Revelations Palin.

Does anyone else think - neglect/abuse when they see that poor child being "handled" like a rag doll?


Unknown said...

Only 46 days left until November 4th, do you know the Top 50 Swing Voter Demographics in 2008?

#50 - Hockey Moms

#49 - Godless Hollywood Liberals

#48 - Baristas

#47 - People with STDs

#46 - ???

Check out

Jeff Tucker said...

I am Knife Pile Palin. Best. Name. Ever. This thing is 50% win, 50% awesome, and 50% badassitude. Yes, that's 150%, and if you don't like that, you're going to get a visit from Knife Pile!!

Anonymous said...

If my brother and I were born to Sarah Palin, our names would be Copper Catfish Palin and Still Hardrock Palin, respectively.

Craig said...

I got a McCain in the neck from laughing so hard at the name Sarah gave me!

Roller Texas Palin

LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

You lefties have serious problems.

Seriously, you are still messing with the kids even after your obamasiah has said they are off limits.

Shame on you...why arent you listening to your obamasiah?

Jon said...

Gravel Blood Palin back from the jungle.

Anonymous said...

Nixon Hailfire Palin just dropping in to say hello.

suedewave said...

mounty bat here, ready to nest in that HAIR! what's that about, anyway???

Anonymous said...

Spine Breeder Palin. Yep.

Tad Optimistic said...

Man, this is soo funny,
I am Fleck Rookie

Blisterina said...

Hello from Krinkle Bearcat Palin, and my husband Steak Leather!

P.S. Vladimir Putin would be Can Lightning Palin. This is good to know when one can see Russia from one's house, and needs to bone up on one's foreign relations.

Blisterina said...

Blogger Jeff Tucker said...

"I am Knife Pile Palin. Best. Name. Ever. This thing is 50% win, 50% awesome, and 50% badassitude. Yes, that's 150%, and if you don't like that, you're going to get a visit from Knife Pile!!"

Actually, Jeff, in Contemporary Republican Math your percentages are absolutely correct!

Auntie_Christ said...

At last, an easy, breezy way to name that spawn.
Thanks for the crack up du jour!

Clamp Noodle Palin

Dano said...

Greetings from Rope Hoover Palin!

S.K. said...

Oh, Happy Days!!

Best regards,
Drill Swollen Palin

Christine said...

Moose Roadster Palin.... sounds too close to roadkill for me!

Unknown said...

Crunk Petrol Palin here!

Gail said...

If Sarah Pablum was my mom I would have aborted myself.

Stick Freedom Pablum

High Power Rocketry said...

Haha this is great. My name is Froth Moonshine.

Traal said...

I would've been Rifle Panzer Palin.

Traal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

If I were born to Obama my name would be Laquisha Mohammad Al Obama.

Save America, vote Ron Paul.

Unknown said...

It doesn't work. If Track Palin were born to Sarah, his name would be Meat Notgay. Shouldn't it be Track? Put Meat Notgay in and you get Pistol Tanker. The only reason that I can think of for those glitches is that if you want a Sarah Palin name generator, you have to use Sarah Palin.

Meg Connell said...

Seagull Junker Palin here - think I'll fly over Alaska and leave a gift for you'all

cincykid said...

I generated my own name--Puffin Shrapnel Palin!

Peggy Archer said...

I'm "Gamebird Kelp Palin"


Peggy Archer said...

I'm "Gamebird Kelp Palin"


Peggy Archer said...

Hahahahaha! My sister is "Bullet Bodycheck Palin"!

Peggy Archer said...

Hahahahaha! My sister is "Bullet Bodycheck Palin"!

Anonymous said...

Commando Coalfire Palin

Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

I think I am going to go by Blitz Harden Palin from now on!

Anonymous said...

I LOL'd big time on this one--my father-in-law is Mustache Warthog!!

Anonymous said...

Buster Taint Palin
I kinda like my name can I keep it?

Consul-At-Arms said...

I've linked back to you here:

Cherica said...

Icepick Motor Palin

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Tangle Jig Palin! Don't mess with me!

Unknown said...

Bush Gator Palin. Yeah!

Shams said...

Wrangler Tractor Palin. Wow! Guess I have go out and buy a pick-up truck or a tractor...

Roger_Paw said...

I'm "Plop Hero Palin" OMG!

Rebecca said...

Buster Taint Palin...

May be the best name in the history of Man. And it's all MINE!!!!!!

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Forrest said...

I typed in Trig Palin and oddly enough I got "Stem Cell Research is the Devil"

ranolione said...

WMD Cessna Palin here!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol This Was Just On Fox News.T

Unknown said...

This is stupid: 111 222 = Gravel Blood? Whoever came up with this needs to get a real job and stop wasting oxygen.

Thank GOD Sarah will be the VP soon!

Unknown said...

This is stupid: 111 222 = Gravel Blood? Whoever came up with this needs to get a real job and stop wasting oxygen.

Thank GOD Sarah will be the VP soon!

Stephanie Riggs said...

I am Stinger Assassin Palin. You don't get better than that.

Gaurav said...

To paraphrase Steam Fangs McCain Palin's "We are all Georgians"comment - Today we are all Palins, in the Palin Nation.

Unknown said...


Mine said...

Me, Steam Fangs Palin
can anyone guess what is my real name...LoL

Dann I. said...

this is Slicer Mission P. coming in at zero point dot point com/ over/ taht is a big ten four/ good buddy.
is that a....OMG!......kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Voodoo128 said...


Trowel Ogre Palin

This is the funnies stuff ever.

Unknown said...

There is new chief in town, line 'em up captain!

- Revolver Trooper Palin

Anonymous said...

Bush Gator Palin...does it get any more Republican than this?

elisabeth said...

Open Aircraft Palin

nyleharris said...

My friends, the Democrats want to raise your taxes, ban your guns, kill your babies, and let gay people marry. When I was a POW, we didn't have taxes, guns, babies or gays. We can't let this happen. Did I mention I'm a POW?

I'm Stick Freedom Palin, and I approve this message.

Christian said...

barack obama, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Tarp Lazer Palin

Who knows, Tarp Lazer Palin you just might be president one day!

flamingpanties said...

I am Kiln Ulna Palin.

You need to have a Hot Dry Bones Palin in the family.

MissyLew said...

I am Pie Gallon Palin, my hubby is Stag Tunnel
My dughter is Steam Fang and my son is ( I can't stop laughing) Hump Gizzard....

OMG Ihave been on and off here laughing like a hyena all day.

Thanks, I needed that!

Sincerly, Pie

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many of us Chin Trout Palin's out here in the world? Were we quintuplets separated at birth by our evil Palin parents?

emilyfcutler said...

No way am I Mullet Troll Palin....

Mitch Freeze said...

Bang Walmart Palin ... I am legally going to change my name now!!!

Mitch Freeze said...

Bang Walmart Palin is going to be my new name... I will change it legally tomorrow!!!

Unknown said...

Beretta Hockey Palin is in the house.

Stay classy, Palins.

Crenos said...

Armageddon, Taupe Armageddon.
"Remember the movie?!? I'm coming for ya!"
Dam! first name sucks :P

markyb said...

haha great page - i put a link on my blog page ( get some of my UK friends to discover a bit of the Palin magic; lean pipe palin though!? hmm...

Abram and Sarah said...

Ha! At least I sound tough:

Spine Breeder Palin am I.

Unknown said...

Omg! I LOVE my Palin name!

Ammo Canal Palin!


CJG said...

Crutch Camp Palin here. This is more silly than funny, but who cares? We all need some silliness in our lives, especially at this time.

David Joel said...

This is over the top! My Mother-in Law's name would be "Bang Walmart"

When you get done laughing, dress up your pup, come visit us at

Unknown said...

Axe Diesel Palin - Hollywood here I come!

arabiantealeaves said...

As Strike Chipper Palin, I would clearly be the jesus-loving, hyperconservative tomboy daughter that would, in college, blossom into a militant lesbian women's studies/philosophy major. Naturally, I'd be kicked out of school and arrested for leading PETA operatives to overthrow the biology department - a mission that would result in a handful of casualties because, let's be honest, Rats are People, Too! In prison, I would become a 'mama,' convert to Islam, and change my name to "Aneezah," meaning "she-goat" in honor of my mother.

Unknown said...

I ma Stick Freedom Palin..and I can deal with Putin because I shot a gun over the Bering Strait!!

RonA said...

Why am I "Bullwinkle Bullet" Palin - how sad :(

Unknown said...

Thump Hummer Palin

I like it!

Unknown said...

Recoil Mush Palin

Rdifsp said...

My name is Ryan and if i was in Sara Palin's family my name would be PACKAGE WICHITA PALIN. Ryan Davis

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Buster Taint Palin

Who knows, Buster Taint Palin you just might be president one day!

TAINT??? REALLY MOM??? Taint the balls and it taint the butthole....TAINT....damnit

Bob said...

Thanks to Ann Lamott for suggesting this site--don't miss her essay at

The idea of she-who-shan't-be-named as mommy is going to give me nightmares.

Unknown said...

Crunk Petrol Palin

CustomMoonlight Jewelry Design said...

Molten Contra Palin

As far as I'm concerned, anything that's Contra Palin is A.O.K.!!!

Random Guff said...

Fantastic stuff!

Gamebird Kelp Palin

beingajoe said...

Very funny. This is a good find. I am going to post it on one of these sites: - exposing the dirt on Sarah Palin! - crowd powered news for the Barack Obama Nation

stOOpidgErL said...

I am Stake Shed Palin

Cineball said...

Bomb Locomotive Palin, FTW!!!

Emily & Brandon said...

Hello, My Name is

Hunger Tallest Palin

. said...

SARAH PALIN, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Flack Gobbler Palin

Who knows, Flack Gobbler Palin you just might be president one day!

Commandrea (Andrea Afra) said...

These are all so funny! Comma Liberty Palin! Tank Dent! Steam Fangs! They make Trig and Track and Bristol sound normal ;)

Unknown said...

My name would be: Snowshoe Man Palin
But that's very unlikely, since I avoid icy environments.

Ste ;-) fan

Julie said...

Meat Notgay Palin here.

Which, um, is kind of funny cause I'm a vegetarian AND a lesbian.


I think that means if Hillary were my mom I'd be Vegetarian Gay Clinton, which is much more accurate. Ha.

Unknown said...

I`m Stinger Assassin Palin...funny;p

Fernando Montenegro said...

Stick Freedom Palin!! Someone beat that!!

Stig Øien said...

Mom lacked some creativity when she named me it seems.

Best regards,
Stag Palin

Isiik said...

My husband is Hump Gizzards Palin!

Essex said...

Bristol? Bristol? A city in the west of England whose fortunes were founded on the slave trade? And which has unfortunate connotations in Cockney rhyming slang? She truly called her daughter that?

Anonymous said...

Smoke Strapon Palin here.
The middle name must be from how I was conceived...

Signature Ambiguous said...

My name is Bristol. Damn that Palin. But apparently she would have called me Strangle Thicket. Atleast there aren't any pregnant teenage Strangle Thickets.

NCBeth said...

Fowl Overtime Palin here!

Unknown said...

Vise Peeper Palin.


Heather said...

My name is Plop Hero Palin. Sweet!

Unknown said...

Ugh its down...

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that it is NOT down because it has been censored (by the McCain/Palin campaign)! I hope it is just some technical difficulty and it'll be back up soon.

lilaphase said...

What happened to the generator. I had my immediate family named including my daughter, Chop Meth Palin, but I hadn't finished naming everyone I know!!!

Fog Piles

Unknown said...

I love this thing! I hope it's back up soon.

My name is Copper Catfish Palin.


El Besino Dave said...

I'd be Smoke Strapon Palin? WTH?

Unknown said...

Very glad it's back.
-Wrangler Tractor Palin

Grant Lingel said...

Absolutely brilliant! HAHAHA

Creation Schwartzkopf Palin, hahaha

April said...

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ripper Shook Palin.

Diana said...

Interestingly enough, the names of my dogs:
Muzzle Mammoth
Cheney Wolfhound
and my donkey:
Clop Clutch

Kingdaddy said...

Chevy General Palin, reporting for duty!

sarapaloozer said...

if I were her kid I'd be known across Alaska as
Mustache Warthog Palin!
a girl can only dream...

Charity said...


carrie said...

"thump hummer"?? that explains a LOT.

judas_priest said...

I certainly didn't have time to read all the way through this, but from the little I did read this is why McCain and Palin get away with attacking elitism, because that part I read is snotty, smug and breaking its arm patting itself on the back for being part of the cultural elite.

I despise her politics (and McCain's) but this is not the way to confront it.

B*e*s*h*z*~*L*e*l*l*a;tAylae=KaUlitZ babii...? said...

We are one screwed up family

xoxo Pick Beef Palin

B*e*s*h*z*~*L*e*l*l*a;tAylae=KaUlitZ babii...? said...

We are one big, screwed up family

your sister

Pick Beef Palin

Shelli said...

Barak Obama, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Wood Corps Palin

And all this time I thought that should have been Al Gore's name.

Unknown said...

This was great! Thank you.


Fire Patriot Palin

LaineR said...

I must have gotten the kinder, gentler Sarah for a mom, the nurturing heretofore unknown cookie-baking Sarah, for she named me: Bowl Antler Palin.

Anonymous said...

Bullet Bodycheck Palin at your service.

jb said...

Sack Panther Palin

Has a nice ring to it.

domorey said...


Call me

Spine Breeder Palin!!!

Luv it, luv it, luv it!!!

PdAnuva said...

Nice Post. Thanks for sharing.
SEO Services

Rob said...

Wow...I'd be Meat Notgay Palin


Could Not Be Better!

Pretty.Odd said...

I am Mangle Assassin Palin, and I approve this message.

Kc said...

No one knows Cue Manhunt Palin like her mama. So is it destiny or am I simply living up to the name?

Emily said...

Hen Waffle Palin is my name!

Anonymous said...

Either I'm Secy of the Interior, or some poor grunt in the infantry in Iraq: Dust Chinstrap Palin.

Good post!

margiem said...

Ammo Canal Palin...LOVE IT! Do you think she's commemorating McCain's birthplace?

Raúl said...

Meat Notgay Palin

Anonymous said...

Nam Guadalupe Palin. That's right. But why oh why did my boyfriend have to be Hose Hotrod Palin?

Anonymous said...

It's a business decision for their family that the smartest thing they can do is walk away from their home.

Link Building

Anonymous said...

It's a business decision for their family that the smartest thing they can do is walk away from their home.

Link Building

Anonymous said...

Tape Boise Palin had arrived! :D

Cecilia Condes said...

Well, well... I seem to have been one of the lucky ones not to have a name-twin!
I like my name. It has a certain militant feel... gone slightly batty.

Sincerely yours,

Miss Shot Corrugated Palin.

Unknown said...

Torpedo Vindicator Palin... badass

Unknown said...

Geese Whalebone Palin is my name! This shit blows!

Beth said...

Cue Manhunt Palin...

I'm either the start of a childhood game or some war activity.

Unknown said...

lmao my name is

smoke strapon palin

smh wtf lol

sinnerman said...

Grill Igloo Palin, at your service!

Anonymous said...

Please meet Chop Meth Palin

Unknown said...

Barack Obama, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Tarp Lazer Palin

John McCain, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Steam Fangs Palin

And I, Speck Backfire Palin >:-0

Raymond T said...

LOL! This is really funny! :D

Raymond T said...

LOL! This is really funny! :D

Mimi said...

Roller Texas Palin here.

I guess that makes me...the big-haired bimbo? With a gun?

dr. sheltie said...

As Stinger Assassin Palin, I'm either a hornet with deadly aim, or someone who's finally going to get some use of the arms depot behind our house!

Shelby said...

Stick Freedom Palin would like to thank whoever came up with this AMAZING generator, which she will be sharing with all of her friends.

bob2008 said...

Sarah Louise Heath Palin (pronounced /ˈpeɪlɨn/; born February 11, 1964) is the governor of the U.S. state of Alaska and the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election.
Link Building

bob2008 said...

Sarah Louise Heath Palin (pronounced /ˈpeɪlɨn/; born February 11, 1964) is the governor of the U.S. state of Alaska and the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election.
Link Building

vincent said...

Mom?! Moose pie for dinner again, yuck?!

Recoil Mush Palin

Anonymous said...

taffastrophe said...

Yes, yes, we get it. The internet crowd is pro-Obama. I'd like to see a random generator that spews out completely random things that Obama says when his teleprompter goes down.... like, you know, asthmatics needing breathalyzers, etc.
September 17, 2008 8:15 AM

You right-wing crybabies are all the same--too immature to enjoy a good joke and too stupid to stop clinging to outmoded ideas. Go change your diaper.

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